Apr 14, 2023

Open Recruitment for Visual Communication Design Lecturers

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  3. Open Recruitment for Visual Communication Design Lecturers

Mount Hope Christian College opens career opportunities!
Currently we are opening opportunities for fresh graduates or those with experience for Visual Communication Design Lecturer positions.

Immediately send your application file on the email provided.
For further information, please contact the contact person listed.

1. Indonesian citizens
2. Minimum education S2 (S3 is preferred)
in VCD / IT / Animation / Multimedia
3.Max age 40 yrs

1. Have GPA min. 3.00 (Score scale 0-4)
2. Having the functional position of Lector is preferred
3. Available for homebase/NIDN
3. Willing to work full time and be placed at the Tawangmangu Campus, Karanganyar, Central Java

CV, Job Application Letter, Diploma, Transcript and KTP

File attachments sent via email: recruitment@bukitpengharapan.ac.id
with email subject: RekrutmenDosenDKV_ITBKBP

Contact Person: 0895-6343-45305 (Mega)